Resources with keywords: guide

Guide to the NIH Guidelines for Research Involving Recombinant DNA Molecules (PDF, Regulation/Guidance)
15 January 2017

This is a one-page ‘cheat sheet’ for the NIH Guidelines, summarizing what types of research need IBC review. On the back is section IV of the Guidelines listing the PI’s responsibilities.

Example Exercise Program (MS Word, Template)
15 January 2017

Template for capturing and prioritizing the capabilities, events, and procedures that should be tested as part of a comprehensive exercise program for the select agent program.

Target Audience: Those responsible for design and implementation of exercises and drills

At the end of training students will be able to…

  1. List entity specific functions that should be exercised
  2. List entity specific hazards or events that should be tested
  3. Set priorities for conducting exercises and drills to test functions and capabilities
Example Exercise Plan (MS Word, Template, Training)

Form designed to facilitate the design, conduct, and evaluation of exercises and drills conducted for compliance with select agent program requirements

Target Audience: Person in charge of running exercises

At the end of training students will be able to…

  1. Define purpose and scope of exercise
  2. Define exercise objectives
  3. Idenfity planning team, evaluators, and players for the exercise
  4. Design script
  5. Log relevant outcomes and recommendations for program improvements
Bioethics Training: Guiding Principles to Promote a Culture of Biosafety, Biosecurity, and Responsible Conduct in the Life Sciences (PDF, Training)
Federal Experts Security Advisory Panel (FESAP)
15 January 2017
keywords: bioethics, DURC, guide
Laboratory Quality Management Training: Guiding Principles to Promote a Culture of Biosafety, Biosecurity, and Responsible Conduct in the Life Sciences (PDF, Training)
Federal Experts Security Advisory Panel (FESAP)
keywords: bioethics, guide
BioCulture Outreach Brief (PowerPoint, Training)
keywords: bioethics, guide
BioCulture FactSheet (PDF, Poster/Handouts/Factsheets/Guide)
A Guide to Training and Information Resources on the Culture of Biosafety, Biosecurity, and Responsible Conduct in the Life Sciences (PDF, List of Resources, Poster/Handouts/Factsheets/Guide)
Federal Experts Security Advisory Panel (FESAP) Working Group
15 April 2019
keywords: bioethics, guide
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