Resources with keywords: veterinary

Avian influenza
American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA)

Refresh your understanding of avian influenza and its epidemiology in the United States. Review how to recognize, diagnose, and prevent the disease in various animal species. Find out how to report sick birds and other animals.

Biorisk Management Topics in the Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory and Necropsy Suite (videos) (Video, Training)
ABSA International / APHL


From the AAVLD USAHA Annual Meeting Oct 8, 2022

Mylissia Smith, MPH, RBP, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Stephanie Kutz, Associate Biological Safety Officer, IBC and Laboratory Operations Manager, University of Wisconsin, Madison

Nicole Marlenee, DVM, Biosafety Officer, ARO, Colorado State University

Robert Heckert, BSc (Agr), DVM, Heckert Consulting

PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT IN  BSL-3 & ABSL-3 Laboratories (MS Powerpoint Presentation)
Nicole Marlenee, DVM, ARO, Biosafety Officer, Colorado State University

AAVLD Resources (MS Powerpoint Presentation)

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