What’s in it for me? The Fundamentals and Implementing ISO 35001: Biorisk Management (588-621-21) (NEW 8/3, Webinar)APHL
15 July 2021
PREVIOUSLY RECORDED WEBINAR: This webinar highlights the major components of the ISO 35001 standard and the value of laboratory implementation and describe different approaches to apply ISO 35001 in a laboratory setting including SARS-CoV-2 testing
ASM Serology Testing Webinar (Website)American Society for Microbiology (ASM)
Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, many questions about serology testing have been asked by members of the clinical microbiology community. In this webinar, two expert panelists will answer your most frequently asked questions.
COVID-19 Webinars (Website)American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine (ACOEM)
ACOEM offers open-access webinars on a variety of COVID-19 topics.
COVID-19 Technical Details for EHS Professionals (Video, Webinar)Chesapeake Area Biological Safety Association, Alliance of Hazardous Materials Professionals [Cyber Chapter]
10 March 2020
Coronavirus and Biosafety in the Laboratory (presented April 17, 2020)
A free webinar was hosted by the Chesapeake Area Biological Safety Association and the Alliance of Hazardous Materials Professionals Cyber Chapter on 3/10/2020. The presenter, Michael Sauri, M.D
APHL Webinar: Navigating and Mitigating Laboratory Risks during COVID-19 (Webinar)ABSA/APHL
22 October 2020
This webinar will provide attendees with knowledge on how to safely and securely handle respiratory and other specimens from persons under investigation (PUIs). Speakers will present on the biological risk assessment process to mitigate risks in the laboratory and reduce the likelihood of a laboratory acquired infection. Participants will also hear from both public health and clinical laboratories on their lessons learned. This webinar will be recorded and made available for those unable to listen live
APHL Webinar: Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19): Laboratory Risk Assessments and Lessons Learned (Website, Webinar)APHL
A free webinar was hosted by the Association of Public Health Laboratories on 3/12/2020.
Knowledge on how to safely and securely handle respiratory and other specimens from persons under investigation (PUIs) and the biological risk assessment process to mitigate risks in the laboratory and reduce the likelihood of a laboratory acquired infection. Participants will also heard from both public health and clinical laboratories on their lessons learned. This webinar has been recorded. You must register with APHL to view the free webinar.