Resources with keywords: plasmodium

Locally Acquired (Autochthonous) Mosquito-Transmitted Plasmodium vivax Malaria — Saline County, Arkansas, September 2023
24 October 2024

Courtney AP, Boyanton BL Jr., Strebeck PV, et al.
After 20 years without locally acquired mosquito-transmitted malaria in the United States, nine cases were reported to CDC during May–August 2023.

Important Updates on Locally Acquired Malaria Cases Identified in Florida, Texas, and Maryland
CDC / Health Alert Network (HAN)
28 August 2023
CDC Locally Acquired Cases of Malaria in Florida and Texas - July 2023

CDC says: locally acquired mosquito-transmitted malaria cases can occur, as Anopheles mosquito vectors exist throughout the United States. In 2003 there were 8 cases of locally acquired P. vivax malaria identified in Palm Beach County, FL.

CDC Cyclosporiasis Illnesses in the United States, 2023

CDC says: Cyclosporiasis illnesses are reported year-round in the United States. However, during the spring and summer months there is often an increase in cyclosporiasis acquired in the United States.

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