Resources with keywords: HVAC
Mark-Carew M, Kang G, Pampati S, Mead KR, Martin SB Jr., Barrios LC
To reduce school transmission of SARS-CoV-2, K–12 public school districts implemented various types of ventilation improvements.
Laguardia, GCA,
Good ventilation, along with other preventive actions, like staying 6 feet apart and correctly wearing masks, can help prevent you from getting and spreading COVID-19.
Lindsley WG, Derk RC, Coyle JP, et al.
A combination of HEPA air cleaners and universal masking reduced exposure by up to 90%.
Gettings J, Czarnik M, Morris E, et al.
Sowerby L J, Nichols A C, Gibson R, et al.
Morawska L, et al.
Gain an understanding of how to reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission in indoor environments using affordable control strategies.