Resources with keywords: containment
In the last 2 years, the NIH OSP has received multiple requests to lower containment from BL3 to BL2 for research with certain agents, including SARS-CoV-2.
LA OMS publicó el plan de acción mundial conocido como GAPIII,a con el propósito de difundir la estrategia mundial encaminada a minimizer el riesgo de restablecimiento de la circulación del poliovirus a partir de material infeccioso y potencialmente infeccioso que se almacenan en las instalaciones en diferentes sectores, incluidos desde luego los laboratorios.
This guidance intends to facilitate the identification of materials potentially infectious for polioviruses within laboratories that handle human stool specimens, respiratory samples or environmental sewage.
Definitions of the different Polioviruses included CDC GAPIII definitions and examples
Link-Gelles R, Lutterloh E, Schnabel Ruppert P, et al.
Based on the typical incubation period for paralytic polio, the presumed period of exposure occurred 7 to 21 days before the onset of paralysis. Epidemiologic investigation revealed that the patient attended a large gathering 8 days before symptom onset and had not traveled internationally during the presumed exposure period. No other notable or known potential exposures were identified.