Resources with keywords: biosecurity
Gillum D, et al.
The US government issued a long-awaited policy update last month intended to better manage the hazards associated with risky biological research.
The purpose of this Strategy is to serve as a guide to USDA agencies and their collaborators on priorities to accelerate our understanding of and minimize the risk from AMR, focusing on the terrestrial and aquatic food and agriculture sector.
Speiser LJ, Graf EH, Seville M, Singbartl K, Dalton ML, Harrington D, et al., May 2023
Biosecurity Central is a publicly available web-based library that helps users find relevant and reliable sources of information for key areas of biosecurity. It includes guidelines, policies, legislaation, protocols, & training materials for worldwide agencies.
The Law & Policy section will give you a clear understanding of the many laws, regulations, policies, and guidance documents that exist around Biorisk Management.
Includes biosecurity risk assessment considerations