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Select Agents ChABSA Technical Seminar – Hybrid Event

Victoria Gastro Pub 8201 Snowden River Parkway, Columbia, MD, United States

Elected President of ABSA International, Sherry Bohn, PhD, MSL, CBSP (ABSA), acting director of environmental health and safety (EHS) at the University of Maryland, Baltimore will present on the "ins and outs" of the Select Agent Program, when you need to and don't need to register, and much more. A microbiologist by training, Dr. Bohn holds degrees in molecular biology, communication, and law, giving her a unique perspective on the research compliance landscape. Member Pricing Early Bird Fee: $35 Regular Fee: $40 Late Fee: $40 Non-Member Pricing Early Bird Fee: $40 Regular Fee: $45 Late Fee: $45 More information [...]

$35 – $45

18th CDC International Symposium on Biosafety

Crowne Plaza Atlanta Perimeter at Ravinia 4355 Ashford Dunwoody Rd, Atlanta, GA, United States

ABSA International is partnering with Eagleson Institute and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to bring you the 18th CDC International Symposium on Biosafety Keynote addresses: James Connelly, CEO My Green Lab Renee Horton, PhD, Armstrong Flight Research Center, NASA. New this year: Tours: Emory Primate Center Field Research Station CDC Emergency Operations Center, Teaching Lab, & Museum New format: Next level interactive format, with presentations in the morning followed by deep dive workshops in the afternoon. Day One: The Modern Workplace Learn about modern design and technologies, then get hands-on with highly interactive workshops on waste management, sustainable [...]

SOLD OUT: Principles & Practices of Biosafety®

Embassy Suites by Hilton San Diego Bay Downtown 601 Pacific Highway, San Diego, CA, United States

ABSA INTERNATIONAL Principles & Practices of Biosafety® March 10-15, 2024 Embassy Suites San Diego Bay Downtown San Diego, CA Registration for this offering is currently closed. If you would like to add your name to the waitlist for early notification for the next session, please contact the ABSA Office at Having your name on the waitlist does NOT guarantee you a seat in the next offering. Download the Flyer A COMPREHENSIVE, INTERACTIVE 5-DAY COURSE Principles & Practices of Biosafety® will introduce the essential elements of biosafety and provide extensive resource lists for use after the course. [...]

12. PR & Communication Essentials for Biosafety Professionals


PR Essentials for Biosafety Professionals is a webinar for anyone who communicates with different audiences about biosafety. The course will provide a foundation in public relations practices including practical tips on how to: effectively communicate key biosafety messages to media and others within your organization; craft messages for different audiences, execute media training tactics and effectively position biosafety and yourself as the biosafety SME (Subject Matter Expert) within an organization. The webinar will highlight specific public relations techniques and media strategies, provide real-life scenarios, Dos and Don’ts for working with media and offer real-time discussions to apply lessons in practice-and-critique drills. At the end of this two-hour course, participants will have a baseline understanding of the importance of key message development, how to effectively work with members of the media (indu stry, trade, consumer) and how to leverage biosafety and subject matter expertise within an organization. The webinar will be led by communications experts with over 25 years’ experience developing and sharing messages with a wide variety of target audiences, including media.

Webinar: From Bench to Bedside: Navigating Biosafety in Gene and Cellular Therapy

The topic From Bench to Bedside: Navigating Biosafety in Gene and Cellular Therapy is presented by Dr. Alka Arora, Quality Program Manager at UHN. The advancement of cell and gene therapy towards standard clinical practice necessitates rigorous biosafety measures at every phase of development, spanning from initial basic laboratory research to clinical trial and commercial production. Adherence to meticulous biosafety protocols in conjunction with GxP requirements mitigates potential risks for the personnel involved in research and manufacturing and ensures the safety, purity, and efficacy of the product. The discussion will underscore the importance of implementing and adhering to comprehensive biosafety [...]

04. Battling Professional Burnout by Taking Control of Your Biosafety Career


Professional “burnout” arises from constant exposure to emotional and interpersonal stress and has been defined by the psychological community as exhibiting dimensions of exhaustion, cynicism, and inefficacy. While traditional means of addressing burnout include interventions such as rest, proper diet, and techniques for relaxation, an emerging body of knowledge is also identifying positive engagement as a promising option for consideration. The dimensions of engagement include renewed dedication, absorption, and vigor. In other words, reframing the way individuals approach their work and establishing strategies for gaining control of their careers can be a powerful means of addressing burnout. In this presentation, four practicing and credentialed biosafety professionals will share their collective experiences on how enhanced control over and a better understanding of the role of biosafety’s role can lead to a more professionally rewarding career. Strategies and examples of the techniques that have been used to achieve these goals will be described, and ample time will be allocated for questions and discussion.

1V. Personnel Security in Laboratory Biosecurity Programs


Personnel security is comprised of security measures focused on people and behaviors rather than typical physical barriers approaches. Personnel security can be thought as the "administrative controls" in any advanced security program. This course will teach administration, management, and researchers the basic principles of threat assessment and introduce participants to the role of comprehensive personnel security in a laboratory biosecurity programs. The course is intended to give participants a basic tool-kit that will allow them to implement successful comprehensive insider threat mitigation strategies using personnel security approaches at their home institutes and to convey concepts in personnel security to their colleagues. Participants will be presented with relevant case studies in order to learn about relevant threats in the biomedical and health sectors. Participants will learn about all aspects of personnel security including: suitability, reliability, peer and self reporting strategies, threat assessment, OPSEC, INFOSEC, and an introduction to elicitation, manipulation and surveillance awareness. These concepts will be put in to practice in interactive, live role-playing scenarios that include interview tactics, deception detection elicitation and surveillance detection. Regulatory issues relevant to implementation of personnel security management programs, in particular changes to the Select Agent Regulations pertaining to Tier 1 agents, will also be discussed.

3V. Using the Incident Command System for Responding to Biosecurity Incidents


The Incident Command System (ICS) is the national gold standard for responding to any size incident in the United States. President George W. Bush mandated its use for all Federal Agencies and strongly recommended its use at all levels of government and within private organizations. The authors of this course have a significant amount of ICS experience, including the highest level of qualification in ICS: Type 1 Incident Commander. They have successfully used ICS in real-life laboratory incidents and Biosecurity exercises. The instructors intend to give the participants an overview of ICS and enough information to incorporate the system into their plans, training, and exercises. This will enable participants to begin maximizing response effectiveness and efficiency during a real laboratory incident.

Harvard Yale IBC Symposium 2024 Pre-conference Courses

Harvard Yale IBC Symposium (HYS) 2024 Introduction and Overview The theme of the 2024 HYS symposium is high-risk research, including dual use research of concern, gain of function, transfer of drug resistance that may not be acquired naturally, altering the host range of pathogens, or enhancing a potential pandemic pathogen.  The event will kick-off with presentations from leading policy makers who will provide an update on the current landscape in the United States on this topic and provide information on how existing policies must transition to keep up with the rapid advancements in science.  We are excited to introduce our [...]


Harvard Yale IBC Symposium 2024

Harvard Yale IBC Symposium (HYS) 2024 Introduction and Overview The theme of the 2024 HYS symposium is high-risk research, including dual use research of concern, gain of function, transfer of drug resistance that may not be acquired naturally, altering the host range of pathogens, or enhancing a potential pandemic pathogen.  The event will kick-off with presentations from leading policy makers who will provide an update on the current landscape in the United States on this topic and provide information on how existing policies must transition to keep up with the rapid advancements in science.  We are excited to introduce our [...]


2024 April BioNet Symposium

2024 BioNET Symposium Friday, April 26, 2024 9:00am am- 2:00 pm, PDT In Person: La Jolla Institute 9420 Athena Circle, La Jolla, CA 92037  OR Web Meeting via Zoom Link will be sent to registrants 24 hours prior to the meeting. Lunch will be provided for in-person meeting attendees. Topics include the following: Biosafety Level 3 Emergency Response Procedures Accommodations for Work in Laboratory Environments Artificial Intelligence Role in Biosafety Training Expert Panel to Discuss Lab Accommodations.   Register Now

2V. Tactical Implementation of Biosecurity Principles: An Advanced, Scenario-Driven Course on Risk and Threat Management Programs


A distinguishing factor between security and biosecurity programs is the fact that biosecurity programs are focused on assets that are biological in nature. This brings forth unique distinctions in implementing risk- and threat-based approaches to prevent the release, loss, or theft of these assets. This advanced workshop will challenge attendees to fully analyze a single biosecurity driven scenario through a series of risk and threat management decision-making. Participants will learn the principles of biosecurity, which set it apart from traditional security, by applying tactical methodology to analysis of a real-world biosecurity case study. The outcomes of this intensive course will be identification of biosecurity-specific risk and threats, their corresponding prioritization against a mitigation plan, approaches for blending these inputs for comprehensive biorisk management, and finally, an integrated biosecurity plan. Participants will leave the course with tools that will be applicable to their host institutions for future engagements building effective integrated biosecurity plans against scenarios.

07. Fundamentals of Microbiology and Infectious Disease


Fundamentals of Microbiology and Infectious Disease is intended for those professionals that participate in protocol review, facilities planning, and any other risk assessment activities, but are unsure as to the actual nature of the disease risks of microbiological agents. Biological safety and risk assessment will not be covered in this course. The proposed topics will cover infectious agents, virulence factors, pathogenicities, host-microbe interactions, susceptibility, modes of transmission, and the changes seen in the microbial world. If you don’t know the difference between a TCID50, PFU, or ID50; or why HBV is stable in dried blood and HIV is not; or why influenza is an inhalation hazard; or why public health officials advocate flu shots each year—then this course is for you.

International High Containment Operations and Maintenance Workshop

The Vaccine and Infectious Disease Organization (VIDO). the Canadian Association for Biological Safety/ L’Association Canadienne Pour La Sécurité Biologique (CABS-ACSB) and Merrick Canada ULC are pleased to co-present the International High Containment Operations and Maintenance Workshop . This workshop addresses the increasing needs of facility operators, maintenance and operations staff for training in relevant aspects of biocontainment facilities and fills a critical need within the operations and maintenance community. This four day course allows participants to gain hands-on experience in some of the special containment and facility support areas (CL3 and CL3-Ag) of the International Vaccine Centre (InterVac), Canada’s newest [...]

4V. Using One Health to Advance Biosecurity


Agricultural biosecurity is a critical component of the One Health concept. It includes various strategies designed to safeguard the health and welfare of agriculturally important animals, the environment, and society in general by preventing infections and their spread among these species, humans, and nontarget species, including wildlife. Increased movement of live animals and their products, as well as the growing trend towards intensification and expansion of animal production systems, represents a significant risk to food supply chains, public health, and the economy due to the possible emergence and spread of exotic animal pests and pathogens, zoonotic diseases, and foodborne agents. Effective management and control of these challenging and complex risks requires application of core principles and cohesive strategies that emphasize sustainability through improved husbandry and health management practices.

3rd International Biosecurity Virtual Symposium

Virtual 1200 Pressler, Houston, Default, United States

May 7-8, 2024 The Symposium will bring together biosecurity professionals from a wide range of disciplines with varying expertise to share their experiences and knowledge on diverse biosecurity topics. The Symposium will offer attendees an opportunity to learn the latest in biosecurity and have thought-provoking conversations about real-world biosecurity issues, concerns, and scenarios. Who should attend? Biosafety and biosecurity professionals, defense contractors, emergency responders, government employees, law enforcement personnel, security personnel, policymakers, regulators, researchers, students, and other interested parties. Symposium Highlights Virtual professional development courses to sharpen biosecurity knowledge and skills. Two full days of presentations, papers, panels, and exciting [...]

2024 SEBSA Biosafety Symposium

Auburn University 540 Devall Dr, Auburn, AL, United States

Join Southeastern Biological Safety Association (SEBSA) for our live symposium.  Besides wide range of talks we will have tours of Auburn University Poultry Research Farm.   More information


06. Working with Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Virus (HPAIV)


Highly pathogenic avian influenza virus (HPAIV) has recently become widespread globally in animals. Human infections are rare but are reported consistently. Therefore, work with HPAIV may encompass a wide variety of activities including lab-based research, animal work, field studies, and handling of positive diagnostic specimens. The goal of this workshop is to enable the audience to understand the basics of HPAIV, the risk associated with handling the virus or positive samples, and mitigations for handling it. An introduction to the basic biology of HPAIV including a brief description of pathobiology including modes of transmission and exposure routes among different species. A summary of what is known about transmission of the virus to and from wild birds. What is known about transmission from avian species to mammals will be covered from both a virus, exposure route, and disease pathogenesis perspective. Biosafety and biosecurity for handing HPAIV in the lab, animal research and field specimens will be described.

08. Concepts of Virology


Concepts of Virology will briefly review gene expression in eukaryotes and examine several concepts of virology. Characteristics of different viral families will be presented as well as general replication strategies employed by different viruses. Mechanisms of viral pathogenesis and strategies for antiviral intervention will also be explored. Participants should have a familiarity with molecular biology. The course is targeted to the biosafety professional who does not actively conduct laboratory research but would like to gain a basic knowledge of virology.

Preventing and Treating Biological Exposures: An Occupational Health Colloquium

Hotel Murano Broadway, Tacoma, WA, United States

Colloquium topics include: Newly updated Lentiviral Vector Guidelines Presented for the first time with primary author Gary Fujimoto, this program will discuss new issues associated with lentiviral and retroviral vectors along with updated recommendations for post-exposure prophylaxis. With the FDA approvals for multiple vector-based therapies, the number of individuals working with these agents is rapidly expanding. While these technologies generally involve replication-deficient agents, the potential hazards associated with transgene incorporation into one’s genome need to be conveyed to all those working with these vectors. TB Expert Group Mycobacterium Tuberculosis has been a leading cause of death throughout much of [...]

17. Export Compliance for the Biosafety Professional


Export Compliance for the Biosafety Professional is designed to help biosafety officers and other professionals understand how U.S. export control laws and regulations intersect with the roles and responsibilities of a biosafety administrator. The webinar will discuss the regulatory framework governing exports from the United States, how to navigate export compliance challenges in academic and medical research environments, and best practices for handling biological exports while maintaining safety and security. 

14. APHIS 101: Arthropod and Plant Research Permits


APHIS 101: Arthropod and Plant Research Permits is a webinar for those that work with plant pathogens, arthropods, or with genetically modified plants and insects. This course will provide participants with an overview of APHIS (Animal Plant Health Inspection Services) eFile including BRS (Biotechnology Regulatory Services), PPQ (Plant Protection and Quarantine), and VS (Veterinary Services) permitting. It will also review EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) labeling and wildlife permits and address intrastate and interstate movement of permitted organisms. The course will offer various scenarios and interactive exercises that show the process of applying for and acquiring permits. Participants will be guided through permit strategies.

MABSA 36th Annual Hybrid Symposium on 6/21/2024

Pfizer North Middletown Road, Pearl River, NY, United States

MABSA is pleased to announce our upcoming 36th Annual Hybrid Biosafety Symposium. Please register and pay at Date : Friday, June 21, 2024 Location: Pfizer, 401 N Middletown Rd, Pearl River, NY 10965 Members $50.00 in person/$25.00 virtual Non-Members $70.00 in person/$45 virtual (Non-member registration offers one year membership in 2024) Students $20.00 in person/$10.00 virtual Meeting agenda will be provided shortly. Register for the Symposium at Opportunity for exhibitor to increase your company’s visibility and support MABSA! Attached please find the MABSA exhibitor prospectus 2024. Register for the exhibition at the Symposium at Hotel information Pearl [...]

see information

16. Gain-of-Function Research: Biosafety vs. Biosecurity


Gain-of-function research: biosafety v. biosecurity is a webinar designed for biosafety/biosecurity professionals and communicators to understand “gain-of-function" research that involves the creation of novel pathogens with pandemic potential. The goal is to develop an understanding and the tools to explain what gain-of-function research is; communicate why it is an important policy issue; and dispel myths about these and other studies that may constitute “dual-use research of concern”. The webinar will discuss the history and current debate, policy initiatives currently under consideration, and common myths and misunderstandings about these kinds of studies. A particular focus will be the difference between gain-of-function as a biosafety issue, compared to its biosecurity implications. At the conclusion, participants will grasp the policy, ethics, and history of gain-of-function research. The webinar will be led by a biosecurity expert with over 15 years’ experience studying, teaching on, and crafting policy for biosecurity for a variety of national and international groups.

13. Animal Handler Risk Assessment


This introductory webinar will provide an overview of the hazards associated with animal work and focus on the questions that should be asked in a risk assessment to elucidate the information needed to build a complete risk assessment profile for work conducted with animals and with animal derived tissues and specimens. The webinar will cover strategies for implementing the risk assessment, including how and when to involve other specialists, and integrating the process into the overall occupational health program. Circumstances where additional information is needed to complete the risk assessment will be identified; such situations will require follow-up interviews and in some cases site visits by the biosafety professional. Translation of the risk assessment into recommendations for risk mitigation will be discussed.

Principles & Practices of Biosafety® – Denver, CO

Embassy Suites–Denver Downton Convention Center 1420 Stout Street, Denver, CO, United States

ABSA INTERNATIONAL Principles & Practices of Biosafety® July 8-12, 2024 Embassy Suites—Denver Downtown Convention Center Denver, CO Registration coming soon. Download the Flyer A COMPREHENSIVE, INTERACTIVE 5-DAY COURSE Principles & Practices of Biosafety® will introduce the essential elements of biosafety and provide extensive resource lists for use after the course. Interactive exercises will be used throughout to provide hands-on experience and to encourage networking and problem-solving among participants and instructors. Sessions begin at 8:00 am each day and end with a roundtable discussion between 5:15 and 5:30 pm with two coffee breaks and lunch provided. OBJECTIVES [...]

15. Q&A Infectious Substance Shipping


Q&A Infectious Substance Shipping webinar provides an opportunity for participants to learn about recent changes to international regulations and interact with a panel of shipping experts. Regulatory experts from organizations to be determined and have been invited along with a packaging expert from Saf-T-Pak/Labelmaster to discuss hazardous material shipping. Participants will be afforded an opportunity to submit questions for the panel to review in advance. As many questions as possible will be discussed during the webinar. Questions not addressed will be collated, answered by the experts, and provided to all participants along with a transcript of the session.

09. Large-scale Biosafety


Large-scale Biosafety will review biosafety for work at large-scale, which the NIH rDNA Guidelines defines as >10L. The course will review Appendix K from GLSP to BSL-3 LS, with a focus on primary and secondary containment. It will review basic bioprocessing steps, such as fermentation/cell culture and purification technologies. Examples of classic and newer single use technologies will be provided. Pearls and pitfalls of the various technologies will be discussed, using various scenarios. The course will include a review of risk assessment techniques used for large scale bioprocesses and a discussion of large-scale related to vaccines, viral vectors, and recombinant proteins.

2024 ABSA Biosafety and Biosecurity Training Course (BBTC®) Fort Collins

Hilton Fort Collins 425 West Prospect Road, Fort Collins, CO, United States

August 5-9, 2024 Hilton Fort Collins Fort Collins, Colorado A WEEK-LONG COURSE COVERING ANIMAL, GENERAL, AND PLANT BIOSAFETY AND BIOSECURITY Download the course flyer (PDF)The Biosafety and Biosecurity Training Course (BBTC®) is designed for persons who are interested in the varying aspects of the responsibility of biosafety professionals. It is also suitable for persons who supervise biosafety professionals and for those who will benefit from additional knowledge of biosafety as a complement to their primary responsibilities. The week-long training will address preparations for audits and inspections, BSL-2/BSL-3 building design and operations, clinical and public health lab biosafety, prion disease research, [...]

10. Molecular Biology 101


Molecular Biology 101 is intended for those professionals that participate in protocol review, facilities planning, and other risk assessment activities but lack a basic understanding of molecular biology and techniques. Following this course, attendees will be able to do more than regurgitate facts and use the new understanding of the principles of molecular biology in various situations at their institution. This course will cover topics such as the chemistry of nucleic acids, DNA replication, RNA transcription, and protein translation, the Central Dogma of Biology, DNA cloning, transfection of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, restriction enzymes, and recombinant DNA lab methodologies (including PCR, DNA fingerprinting, sequencing, and detection protocols). While this course will not turn you into a molecular biologist, it will give you enough background information to understand the nature and manipulation of genetic material and hopefully unveil the mystery of deoxyribonucleic acid.

Inaugural SBA-AMEXBIO International Symposium – 2024

UT El Paso 500 W University Ave, El Paso, TX, United States

"Biosafety Beyond the Borders: Unifying Biosafety and Biosecurity" This collaborative, international symposium will consist of: Pre-symposium Courses (Four Course Options, 4-hours each) Full-day Symposium Vendor Booths More Info

18th Annual Applied Biosafety Meeting

World Nature Forum Naters, Switzerland

Swiss Biosafety Network (SBNet) is pleased to announce its 18th Annual Applied Biosafety Meeting scheduled for August 22nd/23rd 2024 in Naters/Brig, Valais, Switzerland.

5V. Animal Research for Biosafety Professionals – An Introduction


Animal Research has contributed to major scientific advances in biomedical, veterinary, and environmental sciences and in public health. However, these efforts often pose significant risks to the health and safety of research and facility staff due to the wide range of species, complex experimental procedures and equipment, and facility hazards that are involved. Balancing optimal worker safety and animal welfare with research objectives yields the best results but requires a solid understanding of how animal programs are managed and an ability to identify and mitigate inherent risks. This course provides a thorough introduction to routine hazards commonly encountered in animal programs that utilize rodents, small animals, nonhuman primates, aquatics, and agricultural species, with a primary focus on identifying and managing biological, chemical, radiological, and physical hazards. Topics include assessment and management of animal program hazards; universal regulations, guidelines, and quality standards that apply to animal research; duties and responsibilities of key program personnel; local oversight systems; best practices that enhance the quality of animal care; and strategies for biosafety professionals to develop and maintain effective partnerships with program staff and institutional animal care and use committee members. Opportunities will be provided to apply new knowledge and skills through interactive group activities and problem-solving sessions. The instructors are experienced laboratory animal veterinarians who are actively involved in the management, oversight, and evaluation of animal care and use programs. The primary target audience for this course are biosafety and general safety professionals with limited experience in the animal research environment.

ChABSA Hybrid Technical Seminar: Cyberbiosecurity: A Unique Marriage of Biosecurity and Information Systems

Dutch's Daughter or Virtual Option 581 Himes Avenue, Frederick, MD, United States

Cyberbiosecurity: A Unique Marriage of Biosecurity and Information Systems Presented By: Julianne L. Baron, Ph.D., CPH, RBP, President, Science and Safety Consulting, LLC Increasing reliance on the internet and technology in research and biomedical laboratories has opened these organizations up to increased focus for cyberattacks. These attacks may be perpetrated by external actors or individuals internal to the organization (purposefully or accidentally) and can take advantage of a lack of knowledge by research staff about phishing, access control best practices, and network security especially of research instrumentation, automated laboratory equipment, and building automation and control systems that may be connected [...]

$20 – $45

11. Virus-based Gene Transfer Vectors


Virus-based Gene Transfer Vectors is an intermediate course that will examine the molecules, processes, and techniques involved in recombinant gene expression. Participants will explore the technology of how viruses are converted into vector systems for the transfer of gene expression constructs. Common viral vector systems, including retroviruses, lentiviruses, adenoviruses, poxviruses, herpesviruses, alphaviruses, and baculoviruses will be discussed with an emphasis on the biosafety characteristics of the vectors derived from these viruses. This course is targeted for the biosafety professional who is not actively conducting laboratory research yet requires a basic understanding of recombinant DNA methodology.

BioNet September Lunch Meeting

Please join us for our Friday, September 13th, for our BioNet September Lunch Meeting to discuss the following topics: Road to Compliance - Lab Coat Vending Machines, Biosafety Challenges in Gnotobiotic Rodent Facilities, and Service Animals In Labs - BioNET Support Letter Discussion. This event will occur from 11am-1pm via Zoom. The registration link has been included for your convenience. The event is free to BioNet members and $10 for non-members.

3V. Introduction to Biosafety in the Clinical Setting


The clinical setting poses a different environment than research laboratories. This course provides foundations for applying biosafety concepts in the clinical setting. Course topics include common issues and lessons learned pertaining to clinical facilities including pharmacies, laboratories, clinics, infusion areas, ORs, and waste disposal facilities; PPE, disinfection, risk assessments, and safety practices in the clinical setting; speaking biosafety to doctors, nursing staff, pharmacy staff, infection prevention and control, diagnostic microbiology lab personnel, and hospital EHS staff; applying NIH Guidelines and the BMBL to the clinical setting; gaps in oversight of research safety for clinical trials, and risk assessments for unconventional or highly specialized delivery mechanisms for biologics. The course will conclude with a focus on clinical trials including the role of an IRB and how it can overlap with an IBC; the process for investigational products to obtain FDA approval to be deemed as safe and effective therapeutics; and the evolving regulatory environment in the U.S. for biologics such as vaccines, regenerative medicines, and gene therapy. The course is designed to be highly interactive with discussions, surveys, and group exercises.

2024 Canadian Biosafety Symposium

The Canadian Association for Biological Safety/L’Association Canadienne pour la Sécurité Biologique (CABS-ACSB) is happy to present the 2024 Canadian Biosafety Symposium! Join us in person in Saskatoon, Saskatchwean from September 17-19, 2024 for Canada’s annual event for biosafety professionals and personnel involved in biosafety and/or biocontainment facilities. The 2024 Canadian Biosafety Symposium is Canada's premier source of new knowledge and opportunity for dialogue across the biosafety community. It is the forum for advancing professional development and for building capacity for new solutions to be applied to the emerging challenges in laboratory biosafety and biosecurity. The Symposium consists of oral presentations and panels related to biosafety and biosecurity and provides networking opportunities for all biosafety professionals.

4V. Bio-Hazardous Drugs


The anticipated implementation of United States Pharmacopeia (USP) 800 in healthcare created a new resolve to conduct thorough risk assessments of healthcare formularies. The role of this assessment was to identify the hazards posed by these drugs, to evaluate the exposure risks associated with these hazards, and to determine the potential health consequences of both acute and chronic exposure. Most healthcare facilities that conducted these risk assessments utilized a risk matrix that incorporated criteria commonly used in toxicology to evaluate exposure to chemicals. As the pharmaceutical industry quickly turns to novel biologics to treat and/or correct disease, a risk assessment of the biological hazards associated with these novel biologics is warranted. This course will provide information on these biologics; explore the known and anticipated biological properties of each; discuss the potential these biologics have to cause infections, to be shed, to contaminate the environment, and to be transmitted to others; and will cover the pertinent controls needed to contain these biologics, to prevent inadvertent exposure to these materials, to remove them from the environment, and to ensure staff and patients are appropriately educated.

October is Biosafety and Biosecurity Month!

ABSA International is proud to announce the 11th anniversary of Biosafety and Biosecurity Month in October 2024. Use this month to shine the spotlight on training ideas, stewardship and engagement, how to foster positive relationships within the research community, or supporting responsible and ethical research through our profession.

8V. IBC Basics


IBC Basics is an introductory course on the function and administration of Institutional Biosafety Committees (IBCs) delivered by expert staff from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Office of Science Policy (OSP). IBC Basics will promote the professional development of those associated with IBCs by providing an opportunity to learn about the role of NIH OSP, the content of the NIH Guidelines for Research Involving Recombinant and Synthetic Nucleic Acid Molecules, and understand the range of biosafety oversight responsibilities that IBCs have under the NIH Guidelines. This course provides an overview and may be helpful for those new to the field.

7V. Introduction to the Science and Biosafety of Cell and Gene Therapy Clinical Trials


The use of recombinant and synthetic nucleic acid molecules in clinical trials is growing at an explosive pace. This course is intended to introduce biosafety professionals to the science and biosafety of gene-based investigational products in clinical trials including gene-based vaccines, gene modified cellular products, gene therapy and gene editing. This course will provide an overview of molecular biology, virology and viral vectors. Participants will discuss risk assessments and best practices for dealing with risks associated with diverse types of biological hazards.

1V. Plant and Arthropod Biosafety Basics


Plant research is the backbone of both genetically modified, disease resistance, and breeding of both academic and biotechnology research. Attendees will discover what is needed to design a greenhouse and lab that will contain genetically modified material and insects as well as an overview of Arthropod Containment Levels. This course will feature a diverse array of advanced scenarios and interactive exercises showcasing the spectrum of biological, genetically modified, arthropod, and other risks and hazards commonly encountered in greenhouses, fields, and laboratories supporting plant research. Attendees will be guided through strategies for identifying potential hazards, assessing the magnitude and extent of induced risks and cost, and developing effective control measures to protect the safety of workers, plants, and the environment. The course employs “real world” examples to improve understanding of greenhouse and field operations.

New England Biological Safety Association (NEBSA) 2024 Symposium

Broad Institute Main Street, Cambridge, MA, United States

Join NEBSA's 2024 in-person, full day symposium on October 16. 2024 Registration Information: Regular registration fee is $75 and includes lunch and breaks.  Student and IBC Community Member discounted registrations of $20 are also available.   Register here Preliminary Agenda is here Location: Broad Institute, 415 Main Street, Cambridge, MA


2V. Infectious Substance Shipping Program Management


This course is tailored for individuals responsible for establishing and overseeing infectious substance shipping programs within their facilities. This webinar series aims to assist institutions in developing robust shipping programs tailored to their needs. Course elements include: training; written policies; written descriptions of program plans; transport and shipping specific SOPs; safety and security plans; emergency response plans; logistics and supplies; carrier selection and support; MOUs and authorizations; access control and personnel assurance. The instructor will provide a detailed and comprehensive shipping program assessment and implementation guidance document. Attendees will receive an introduction to this document and step-by-step guidance on its completion. By completing the assessment document, attendees will conduct a thorough review to identify areas for improving existing shipping programs. This interactive, instructor led, web-based training will invite attendees to share examples of how these elements are addressed at their own institution.

67th Annual Biosafety and Biosecurity Hybrid Conference

JW Marriott Phoenix Desert Ridge Resort & Spa 5350 E Marriott Dr, Phoenix, AZ, United States

The ABSA International conference is the largest biosafety and biosecurity conference in the world! The conference will provide solutions to tackle your most challenging issues, present fascinating case studies, and showcase the latest developments in biosafety and biosecurity. ABSA International’s educational sessions offer insights into the every-changing world of biosafety and biosecurity, keeping you updated on the latest techniques and best practices. You’ll have opportunities to network with your peers and discuss common issues, share advice, and exchange ideas. There will also be commercial exhibits showcasing the latest technologies in biosafety and biosecurity.

18. Gain-of-Function Research and PEPP


Gain-of-function research and PEPP is a webinar designed for biosafety/biosecurity professionals and communicators to understand new federal guidance on “gain of function” or Category 2 research and pathogens of enhanced pandemic potential (PEPP). The goal is to develop an understanding and the tools to explain what Category 2 research is, how it differs from Category 1 research (“dual-use research of concern”), and the role of ethical analysis in these categories for assessing research with PEPP. The webinar will focus on practitioner views of the current policy, led by a biosecurity expert with over 15 years’ experience studying, teaching on, and crafting policy for biosecurity for a variety of national and international groups. By the conclusion of this webinar, participants will gain an understanding of how to assess Category 2 research in the context of the new policy moving into its 2025 implementation, and the role of institutional compliance officers (including IBCs) in assessing Category 2 research in their own institutions.

6V. Disposal of Research Animal Carcasses


This course will focus on research-based, unique scenarios presented with animals in research and diagnostic environments. Course topics include: composting, incineration, rendering challenges, carcass movement, unique agent requirements, complex variety of animal species (large, small, wildlife, companion, research, diagnostic), mixed hazard waste issues. The attendees will see strategies to assess risk and apply best practices and regulatory requirements to common and diverse situations. Course will be interactive, with breakout sessions and real-world examples.

EHS&S for Biopharma West Summit

Westin San Diego Bayview West Broadway, San Diego, CA, United States

The inaugural EHS&S for Biopharma & Pharma West Summit offers an unparalleled opportunity to connect with global EHS&S leaders with the shared goal of eliminating risk and ensuring compliance in biopharmaceutical R&D and manufacturing sites. Over the course of two days featuring more than 18 case studies, discussions sessions and workshops, you'll engage with global and multi-site EHS&S leaders from biotech and pharma industries to share high-level strategy and day to day execution of programs that ensure the highest standards of EHS at both R&D and manufacturing sites. You’ll also explore ways to embed sustainability into EHS practices, master compliance [...]

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