ABSA Learning Verification Opportunities

The Certification Maintenance Board has pre-approved the use of various ABSA publications as a means of acquiring credentialing maintenance points for the completion of a quiz.  These are online educational opportunities that can be accessed via your computer at your leisure.

This program is available to

ABSA Publication Sponsor CM Points Awarded
1. Animal Biosafety and BRI Videos ABSA 0.5 CM
2. Applied Biosafety Volume 14.1 – 14.4 ABSA 1.0 CM
3. Applied Biosafety Volume 15.1 – 15.4 ABSA 1.0 CM
4. Applied Biosafety Volume 16.1 – 16.4 ABSA 1.0 CM
5. Applied Biosafety Volume 17.1 – 17.4 ABSA 1.0 CM
6. Applied Biosafety Volume 18.1 – 18.4 ABSA 1.0 CM
7. Applied Biosafety Volume 19.1 – 19.4 ABSA 1.0 CM
8. Applied Biosafety Volume 20.1 – 20.4 ABSA 1.0 CM
9. Applied Biosafety Volume 21.1 – 21.4 ABSA 1.0 CM
10. Applied Biosafety Volume 22.1 – 22.4 ABSA 1.0 CM
11. Applied Biosafety Volume 23.1 – 23.4 ABSA 1.0 CM

Directions for Access to Quizzes

  • Access to the quizzes will be $25 USD fee for ABSA members on a per quiz, per individual use basis.
  • Upon completed registration, a confirmation email will be sent to the purchaser with the link to the quiz for their personal use.
  • In order to receive credit for this quiz, you will need to print the results page at the end of each quiz.
  • Retain the “Print Results” page for verification in case you are chosen at random to be audited by the Certification Maintenance Board.  This can be done on the final screen of each quiz. It will not be a certificate, but a record of your selected answers to the questions. The score of the quiz will be at the top of the page with your name.
  • In order for the credit to be valid: each quiz will require an 80% or better passing score and your name present on the “Print Results” page.
  • If you do not have access to a printer, please revisit the quiz at another time.
  • ABSA does not retain records of this quiz.

NOTE: You must be an ABSA International member and logged into the ABSA store to purchase the quizzes.


  • In order for the credit to be valid: each quiz will require an 80% or better passing score and your name present on the “Print Results” page.
  • If you do not have access to a printer, please revisit the quiz at another time.
  • The quizzes are for individual use only
  • ABSA does not retain records of this quiz
  • Quizzes work best with Microsoft Internet Explorer